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Shipping from China to Mexico sea freight by Senghor Logistics

Shipping from China to Mexico sea freight by Senghor Logistics

Short Description:

Senghor Logistics offers container shipping and air freight forwarding services from China to Mexico. Staff with 5-10 years of experience will understand your goals, find the right shipping solution for you, and provide the highest level of service.

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1senghor logistics china to mexico shipping
  • Shipping by sea is suitable for those with a limited budget who need to move large, bulky or hazardous shipments from China to Mexico. This form of shipping is the cost-effective option with over 90% of global cargo being transported this way. Sea freight meets these needs when affordability takes precedence over speed and other factors. Let us hear your needs and respond then help you with transportation!
  • Senghor Logistics offers FCL and LCL shipping services. Shipping to Central and South America is one of our advantage routes with multiple ships every week.
  • We provide picking up from your suppliers (factories/retailers) to Chinese domestic shipping ports such as Shenzhen, Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao etc., even if your suppliers are not close to these ports. Large cooperative warehouses near basic domestic ports provide collection, warehousing, and interior services. It is also very budget-friendly, many of our customers like this service very much.
  • Since you found us, we would try our best to satisfy your needs. And we are responsible for every customer’s shipment because we know how cargo shipping is important for your business. We will provide corresponding solutions from a professional perspective by learning about your cargo's details.

China to Mexico

  • Ocean freight from China to Mexico can reach the main ports as follows: Manzanillo, Lazaro Cardenas, Veracruz, Ensenada, Tampico, Altamira etc. We will check the sailing schedule and rates based on your needs.
1senghor logistics warehouse service

Good Reputation

  • A whole new freight forwarder you start to talk, there is no trust base, we believe that you would love to know what our service is like. People will usually look for reviews to know about the company, product, and service.
  • High-quality service and feedback, transportation methods and solutions to help customers solve problems are the most important factors for our company. No matter which country you are from, a buyer or purchaser, we can provide the contact information of local cooperative customers. You can learn more about our company, as well as our company's services, feedback, professionalism, etc., through customers in your own local country. Check our video attached to hear what Mexican customer talk about us.
  • We hope you enjoy cooperating with us and gain a perfect transportation service experience. Gracias!

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